Sunday, July 17, 2011

Last two weeks

In these past few weeks so much has happened, I hardly know where to start...The start of my trip I lived in a small section of San Jose called Granadilla, this part of San Jose is pretty dangerous and very far away from where everyon else is living. I loved my host mom Cecelia and her family, but I just coulnt handle being so far away from every one else it wasnt safe. So I switched into a new host family about two weeks ago in a section of San Jose called Cedros. I love it, it is absolutely amazing. I live with a host mom named Marina and she has a husband and 4 sons. They are always doing something in the house so there is never a dull moment haha. The family lives in a house on their own... So basically you look at the house and they live there, then there is a set of stairs out side that goes up to a seperate apartment. That is where I lived with three other girls for about a week.. Its amazing its like I have my own little house. Any ways thats whats going on in san jose. Last weekend I traveled to Puerto Viejo, its a very small laid back hippie town. I loved it there everything was so chill and there wasnt a plan you just went with the flow of things. I stayed in a hostel that was ten american dollars a night!! It was actually very clean and nice. Aisha, Jazmin, and I had the time of our lives, these girls are seriously so fun to be around. We got in all sorts of trouble together!! I hiked, went to the ocean, and saw some pretty interesting things while being there. At the end of our trip Ashley and I decided to be impulsive and stay another night! We stayed at a hostel called  Swingin J's..... Wow.. haha I slept in a hammock and it was the most amazing thing ever!! During the day we rented bikes and biked probably around 30 miles that day!

Now I am back in San Jose and I decided to stay here this weekend because I havent once my whole trip...I have two weeks left, and I am definitely not ready to leave this place, at all. I love it here and I really would love to stay longer. Pura Vida <3
                                                        Dangling From a Cliff
                                                                    At the ocean
                                                        Jazmin, Me, Ashley
                                                            After some one stole my shoes!!
                                                               Swingin J's !
                                                                   Hammocks we slept in!

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