Sunday, May 22, 2011

abby's bridal shower 5/22

I went to my cousin's bridal shower today, these are some of the beautiful ladies in my family. I have a family of 5 amazing aunts and each of them have at least three kids, I have a HUGE family... and that is an understatement. Any who, all of these people have helped me in some way fund my trip to Costa Rica! They are the people that mean the most to me, but this is just a few of them there are MANY more members to my wonderful family. <3

Friday, May 20, 2011

Saving children

Well I made it, I got shots all three of them. I was sitting all alone and my dad surprised me and came and held my hand like a little baby.. I seriously don't know what I would do with out him. The nurses all laughed and we made it some huge joke while I was getting them which helped.. I'm actually very proud of myself and a lot of relief has just been lifted off of my shoulders.. Anyway I'm going shopping tonight with my gram my and auntie for cr stuff which makes my day a little better :)
-flight paid
-program paid
-shots over!!!!!

Everything is working out pretty dang good for me :) exactly 30 days!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Well all the fundraising has now paid off.. Just paid my program fee, everything is taken care of flights, fee, now all I need to do is pack up my stuff and get my shots... yikes super nervous 10:30 tomorrow I'm getting them what a relief it will be when I am finally done. I have been looking at pictures from the girls that are already there and it looks absolutely amazing, I cant wait. 31 more days!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Volcan Arenal (I stayed at Hotel Los Lagos)
-Isla Tortuga (beautiful white sand beaches with lots of activities to do in the island)
-Playa Manuel Antonio (regular beach with a decent amount of tourists and night life)
-Haciend Pozo Azul (rafting is a plus here!)
-Tiquicia (it's a restaurant in the highest mountain of San Jose where you have a beautiful view of the city

ok here are a few places to look up. Volcanoes-Arenal, Poas, there are tons, but a few are set up for viewing
- Jaco - where I am at.
- Manual Antnio - they have a cool park with nice beaches and tons of monkeys. 
-Samara - my cousin owns a bar here, chilled and laid back surf town on the 
-Nicoya peninsula. Montezuma - on the tip of the peninsula, small hippie town with waterfalls.
- Puerto Veijo - caribbean side snorkeling is good here.
- Cloud Forest - sweet rainforest experience.
- Nicaragua - if you get one big trip go to 
-San Juan del sur or Granada, sweet and cheap. 
You got to take buses to all these places so they might not all be feasible.

its official

Well guys i just booked my flight, and made a doctors app. IM SO NERVOUS to get all of these shots... deathly afraid of these things its probably the only thing that scares me about this whole trip!!! Any ways just figured i'd fill ya in on what I have done.. out of the millions of things I still have to do.. blogging about it helps me through this craziness.. I have been talking to girls that are in costa rica now... and i really want to get down there like now.. they seem like they are having the time of their life and im ready!!!! Anyways.. ill let ya know of anything new thats going on if i think of it! thats all for now <3

Monday, May 16, 2011

Show details
Costa Rica
1.   vaccinations 5/20/2011
2.   Immunizations – Recommended
        Hepatitis A Diphtheria/Tetanus
Typhoid Hepatitis B
Yellow Fever (if you are going to be travelling east of the Andean mountains after or before volunteering - also recommended if you plan on working in the jungle)
3.   make payment on 5/20/2011
4.   26 dollar entrance fee
5.   make copies of passport, insurance one for me one for home
6.   don’t pack many toiletries , markets.
   Maximo Nivel
   Your name
   Del Antiguo Higueron
   100 sur 50 este
  San Pedro—San Jose
7.   insurance??
8.   Lab top
9.   Camera and extra packs of batteries
10.                 back pack
11.                 tooth brush
12.                 hair brush
13.                 straightener??? Blow dryer?
14.                 Tennis shoes 1 pair
15.                 Flip flops 2 pairs
16.                 Hiking shoes
17.                 Dress shoes
18.                 7 capris yoga pants
19.                 t-shirts
20.                 pajamas.
21.                 Shorts
22.                 Underwear
23.                 Bra
24.                 Sports bra
25.                 Socks
26.                 Advil, band aids tweezers
27.                 Bug itchers stuff
28.                 Sunscreen
29.                 Lip balm
30.                 Insect repellent

I think that's everything so far...34 more days!!!

The first steps

I am just at the starting stage of preparing for my trip this summer, I still have so much on my plate to do. So far, I have raised just enough money to participate in this adventure, booked my flight ( which was very stressful). I still need to make a list of everything I need, get vaccinated, and pay for the whole program. I still have a little shopping to do as well.. I'm still not sure what to bring or how much.. so many questions run through my head, and thats an understatement I lay in bed thinking about getting there and loosing my luggage or forgetting something and its kind of intimidating. I am going to be all on my own, for the first time in a completely new country... little scary... Well thats all I have for you guys now! OH! and I bought a nice new camera so I will have plenty of pictures up as well! :)